My Journal ♥

May 23, 2008   ♥Nothing♥

Nothing really happened today. *Sigh* It's almost the end of the school year and the final days are winding down, but it's taking so long! There are only twenty days left! Cen't they just let us out early? Anyways, i'm also waiting for my birthday, I can't wait! Theres only 14 days left, I'm turning 14! Hooray! I'm hoping to get a new laptop, but my mom already told me i'm not getting one. Oh well, at least i'm getting my hair dyed black. And i'm dying my bangs pink! Friends if you are reading this, here is a list of things I want, or just ideas of what you could get me.

First my shoe size is 2 and 1/2

Shirt size is a small.

Pants are 0 junior.

Here are some ideas of things to get!

1. Jewlery

2. Makeup

3. Anything from hot topic or tokyo kid

4. Stuffed animals

5. Anime comics, movies, figurines, ect.

6. Picture frames

7. Art supplies

8. CD's

9. Gamecube, DS, computer, or Wii games 

10. Pens, pencils, markers, crayons, colored pencils, ect.

11. Blank notebooks, tracing paper, or drawing pads

12. Anything the color red or black!

13. Anything you think will be good for me! Don't think your pressured into getting these things. If you already have something in mind keep it! These are just some ideas! hope they helped. And remember, I will love whatever you get me!♥

June 6, 2008                             Birthday!

Yay! It's my Birthday! Whoot whoot! This day has been really awsome. This morning before I went to school I got a lot of presents. I got kermet the frog shirt and pants. Some new really cute airwalks too. I got two bracelets, but someone *COUGH COUGH CHELSEA COUGH COUGH* broke one. I also got an awsome blank notebook that says

" WARNING, excessive anime watching leads to extreme cases of the anime fangirl. Symptoms include but are not limited to: extreme urges to glomp everyone in sight, mewing randomly, labeling things as 'Kawaii' or 'Baka', cosplaying, roleplaying, purchasing tons of manga, buying all anime and items with anime on them, drawing anime or fanart, drawing everone as a chibi, listning to music with japanese lyrics, beliving you were born a japanese cat girl, falling in love with guys seen in anime, adding 'chan' to names, and extremly hurting people who bash anime."

I got a new back-pack, a really cute book called "Kawaii Not, Cute Things Gone Bad", and special papaer to draw comics with. Shure ima weirdo, but I have to say a shout-out. I LOVE YOU MOMMY!! I'm getting more presents tonight and i can't wait to go to my party where i'll get presents from all my friends.